There is no Foobot module yet available in Home Assistant . Nevertheless, Foobot is offering a RESTful API which you can easily access, and which is configurable with the RESTful sensor component in Home Assistant. The first thing you need to do, is to request a Foobot API key if you don't have one. You can do this here: On the same API page, you can get your device uuid, by using the Identity API. Just enter your user name, and click "Try it out!": You will be able to read your uuid form the JSON response body. You now have all the information necessary to retrieve Foobot sensor values for a specific period of time. The API allows to get two types of data points: data points read in the last N seconds, or between two specific date and times. As in Home Assistant we would like to read the latest information given by the Foobot, we will use the first one. Using the Data Point API, we are now able to generate a...
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